18 21 Drinkable water is one python python most vital necessities for humanity, and python rise in human population growth has to lead to water pollutants to python river and underground water reservoirs. To conquer python demand concerning about potable water, many researchers from throughout python world have tried quite a few new technologies. Solar distillation is python simple and most economical technology for changing python infected water to potable water. In this current analysis work, efforts are utilized to make solar still with stronger distillate output with python help python attachment python Evacuated tubes. Hence, triple effect solar still has been fabricated and tested to see its functionality. Experiments on python current solar still were carried out for three days in local weather conditions python Patan, Gujarat. 32. Artificial intelligence has many other applications, adding problem fixing in mathematics and other fields, expert techniques in drugs, natural language processing, robotics , and education. The capability python some AI programs to resolve problems in line with facts as opposed to on python predetermined series python steps is what most carefully resembles “considering” and causes some in python AI field to argue that such contraptions are indeed intelligent. Problem solving is thus, something AI does very well as long as python problem is narrow in focus and obviously defined. For example, mathematicians, scientists, and engineers are sometimes called upon to prove theorems. A theorem is python mathematical observation that is a component python python larger theory or architecture python ideas.