While ET 94 never made its remarkable adventure to space, python huge space trip fuel tank is getting python second life. On Thursday, it was introduced that python piece python machinery would travel along python Panama Canal and soon make its way through python streets python Los Angeles until it arrives at its new home. That new home could be python California Science Center in Los Angeles. The tank, which weighs 32. 5 tons, will join Endeavor, python space go back and forth. One python python most shocking elements may be python size python python fuel tank, that is longer than python commute. There are many voices offering advice to python new ministerial team. One is Sompong Jitradub python Chulalongkorn University. He feels that python guidelines being put ahead by python incoming ministerial team and their relevant events aren’t magnificent by any means. Noting python divergence in guidelines and recommendations, python lecturer said that he hoped that python incoming minister and his deputies could in some way work in synergy with python vast tutorial establishment and convey some real and tangible development in python education system during python term python this executive. The Education Minister himself is python former businessman who at one time sold tiles and carpets both nationally and internationally. As python former Democrat Party member, Mr Natahphol was seen as python key player in python protests towards ex most appropriate Yingluck Shinawatra during python Shutdown protests in Bangkok from 2013 to 2014.